Denture Adventure
Your Denture Adventure Starts Here…
In this topic we cover the essential care of our dentures, along with recognising lesions that may occur in the oral cavity through lack of correct maintenance.
Appropriate care for our dentures is as crucial as caring for our own natural dentition.
Unfortunately, not all the products on the market are ideal and be can damaging.
*For those living with Dementia, and complex needs. Have you a little denture reminder ?
During a stay in hospital, a lady was given a set of dentures to wear. She became very distressed, unable to talk properly, unable to eat, or even drink, and suffered with a very sore mouth. Nobody addressed the problem. A relative visited her, and immediately noticed something was seriously wrong. This lady had been given somebody else’s dentures to wear. Her’s had been lost. They were unnamed.
*Denture naming service provided.
*Denture reminder guidence offered.